All students have the right to:
- Be treated fairly with dignity and respect
- Learn, play and collaborate in a safe and secure school environment
- Receive an opportunity ‘to be heard and listened to’ by staff, when student behaviour has come into question
Student Responsibilities:
- Recognize and accept responsibility for their own behaviour
- Use appropriate language and good manners in school and on the playground, when talking with fellow students, staff, parents, volunteers, lunchroom supervisors and visitors
- Show respect and kindness for others
- Support school events and make positive contributions
- Use technology responsibly
- Respect school property
- Try their best in all subject areas and ensure all assignments are completed to the best of their ability
- May NOT possess “alcohol or illegal drugs” (unless the pupil is a MEDICAL cannabis user and appropriate documentation has been provided)
- Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching, including by ensuring that cell phones and other personal mobile devices are used only during instructional time (as directed by an educator), for health and medical purposes and/or to support special education needs.
Procedures for Students:
- Line up and enter school promptly with the bell, in a quiet and orderly fashion
- Report to the office if late, to receive a late slip
- Move quietly in the halls and through designated areas
- Enter and exit through assigned doors only, unless arriving late with a parent
- Leave building and school grounds when dismissed
- Cross streets safely in areas supervised by Safety Patrollers
- Games involving excessive physical contact and perceived aggression are prohibited
- Students are expected to play safely in their assigned areas on the playground
- Students must walk their bikes, scooters and skateboards while on school property
- In-line skates must be removed and put on in the bike rack area
- Baseball bats and hardballs are not allowed at school during regular school hours
- The school playground equipment is closed in the winter (Red Flags are in place)
- The school phone may only be used by students after receiving permission from school office staff
Dress Code:
Our image of a Byron Somerset student is one whose manner of dress reflects responsible personal judgement and a positive attitude towards school. Appropriate attire encourages a safe and respectful learning environment.
In an elementary school setting, clothing should be appropriate to the age and physical development of the child. What may be appropriate for a first grader may not be appropriate for an older student.
- Students are expected to dress appropriately for learning and school activities (‘underwear’ should not be visible during reasonable movement)
- “Spaghetti” straps and bare midriffs are not permitted.
- Inappropriate slogans or images (eg. drugs/alcohol) may not be worn
- Running shoes with non-marking soles and appropriate gym clothing are required for physical education activities
- Students are not permitted to wear hats in school, unless for a special spirit day (eg. ‘hat day’)
- Jewelry should be discrete and must be removed before physical education class or team sports (OPHEA)
- Students are encouraged to not wear flip flops during outdoor play as injury is more likely to occur
- Labelling all clothing, (e.g. backpacks, clothing, shoes) with the student’s name and grade Is strongly recommended
Students who are inappropriately dressed may be asked to cover up, change the clothing item or turn the article inside out. Non-compliance will result in warnings, parent contact, or other progressive disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the Principal. Teachers will refer chronic dress code violations to the Principal when appropriate.
Consequences of Inappropriate Behaviour:
- Consequences will be at the discretion of the supervising teacher and/or the Principal when appropriate
- Mitigating circumstances will always be considered (eg. age of student, cognitive awareness/capacity)
- Consequences will be progressive in nature and clearly communicated with the parent(s) as appropriate
- Incidents of a more significant nature will follow recommendations outlined in the TVDSB Police / School Board Protocol
Activities leading to possible suspension
306.(1) A principal shall consider whether to suspend a pupil if he or she believes that the pupil has engaged in any of the following activities while at school, at a school related activity or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school climate, subject to the mitigating or other factors below:
a) Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person.
b) Possessing alcohol or illegal drugs.
c) Being under the influence of alcohol.
d) Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority.
e) Committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property at the pupil’s school or to property located on the premises of the pupil’s school.
f) Bullying
g) Persistent opposition to authority
h) Use of profane or improper language
i) Engaging in any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the moral tone of the school.
j) Engaging in any act considered by the principal to be injurious to the physical or mental well-being of members of the school community.
k) Engaging in any act considered by the principal to be contrary to the Board or school Code of Conduct or any of the Board’s policies and procedures related to safe schools.
Activities leading to suspension, pending expulsion 310.1(1) A principal shall suspend, and may recommend for expulsion, a pupil if he or she believes that the pupil has engaged in any of the following activities while at school, at a school-related activity or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school climate, subject to the mitigating or other factors below:
a) Possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm.
b) Using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person.
c) Committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner.
d) Committing sexual assault.
e) Trafficking in weapons or in illegal drugs.
f) Committing robbery.
g) Giving alcohol to a minor.
h) Activities engaged in by the pupil that cause the pupil’s presence in the school to be injurious to the physical or emotional well being of other pupils or persons in the school.
i) Activities engaged in by the pupil that cause extensive damage to the property of the Board.
j) Any act considered by the principal to be a serious violation of the Board or school Code of Conduct or any of the Board’s policies and procedures related to safe schools.
Mitigating or Other Factors
In considering whether to suspend a pupil for engaging in an activity described above, a principal shall take into account any mitigating or other factors listed below as prescribed by Regulation 472/07.
Mitigating Factors
The following mitigating factors shall be taken into account:
1) The pupil does not have the ability to control his or her behaviour
2) the pupil does not have the ability to understand the foreseeable consequences of his or her behaviour
3) the pupil’s continuing presence in the school does not create an unacceptable risk to the safety of any person.